Rabu, 02 Maret 2016

Pengertian Preferences

Pengertian Preferences

Preference adalah suatu bentuk pernyataan yang menyatakan perasaan lebih suka dari yang lainnnya. Dalam Bahasa Indonesia, ungkapan ini tidak begitu sulit, dimana kita cukup mengucapkan “Lebih Suka dari”, namun dalam Bahasa Inggris, ada beberapa bentuk yang dapat digunakan untuk menyatakan pernyataan di atas.
 Rumus, Macam-macam dan Contoh Preferences
1. Prefer
•    Subject + Prefer + to infinitive
•    Subject + Prefer + Nouns + to + Nouns
•    Subject + Prefer + Gerund + to + Gerund
•    They prefer to go now
•    My mother prefers lemon to orange
•    She prefers watching TV to listening to the radio

2. Would Rather
•    Subject + would rather + Kata kerja bentuk I (tanpa to- Infinitives)
•    Subject + would rather + Infinitives + than + Infinitives
•    Subject + would rather + Infinitives + Noun + than + Inf + Noun
•    Subject + would rather + someone + Bentuk II
•    I would rather study now
•    She would rather stay home than go shopping
•    We’d rather play card than play ball
•    I’d rather you went now

3. Would Prefer to
•    Subject + Would Prefer to + infinitive +rather than + inf
•    Subject + would Prefer to + infinitives + Nouns + rather than + infinitives + Nouns
•    They would prefer to sing rather than dance
•    You’d prefer to play ball rather than take a sleep

4. Like
•    Subject + Like + Nouns/Gerunds
•    Subject + like +gerunds + better than + gerund
•    Subject + like + noun + better than + noun
•    I like singing a song
•    She likes singing a song better than playing a guitar
•    They like coffee better than tea

5. Had Better
•    Subject + had better + infinitive
•    Subject + had better + not + infinitive
•    You had better study hard
•    You had better not work on Sundays

6. It’s time
•    It’s time + to infinitives
•    It’s time + Subject + Bentuk past
•    It’s time to get up
•    It’s time you went away

7. Instead of
Instead of kita gunakan sebagai pengganti dari: to, than, better than, rather than
•    Instead of + Gerund/Nouns
•    I prefer staying home instead of going out
•    They would rather eat their lunch instead of work
•    I woud prefer to invite them instead of him
•    He likes me instead of him

C.    Penggunaan Preferences
Kita sering menggunakan kata seperti: “prefer, would prefer, would rather” untuk menanyakan tentang pilihan (preferences).
“I prefer living with my uncle”. (Saya lebih memilih tinggal bersama paman saya)
“Would you prefer to watch a movie or go to a mall”? (Kamu lebih memilih menonton film atau pergi ke Mall?)
Contoh kalimat di atas memiliki arti yang sedikit berbeda, ini merupakan alasan mengapa pelajar bahasa inggris sering mengalami kesusahan. Silahkan perhatikan perbedaan penggunaan preferences di bawah ini:
1.    Perbedaan Pada Arti:
Kita cenderung menggunakan kata “prefer” untuk membicarakan tentang kesukaan, tidak suka, dan apa yang kita inginkan,
“He prefers reading a magazine”. (Dia lebih suka membaca majalah)
“I prefer going to the beach than going to a swimming pool”. (Saya lebih suka pergi ke pantai daripada pergi ke kolam renang)

Sedangkan untuk penggunaan kata “would prefer” dan “would rather”, digunakan lebih spesifik, contohnya:
“I would prefer to see him personally.” (Saya lebih baik menemui dia secara pribadi)
“I would rather go home now.” (Saya lebih baik pulang sekarang)

2.    Perbedaan Pada Bentuk Kata Kerjanya:
“I prefer living in a town”. (Diikuti gerund, menggunakan akhiran “-ing”)
“I would prefer to be told the truth”.(Diikuti oleh infinitive, menggunakan “to + Verb 1”)
“Would you rather stay at an apartment”? (Diikuti oleh bentuk dasar dari verb (kata kerja)/ Verb 1 tanpa “to”)

3.    Perbedaan penggunaan Preposition (Prepoisi) untuk menentukan pilihan:
“Prefer” dan “would prefer” diikuti oleh preposisi “to”, contohnya:
“I prefer living in a town to living in the village”.
“I would rather being alone to being with the wrong person”.
“Would rather” diikuti oleh preposisi “than”, contohnya:
“I would rather talk to him in person than call him on the phone”.

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